Elegance & Comfort in Modern Living
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394 F1101 GoldenEarth (50x109cm) | 396 F1004 Glamour Red (20x20cm) | 643 F1101 SirenLux (200x200cm) | 649 F1029 DazzleOak (50x100cm) | 650 F1101 Nugget Beige (33x33cm) | 651 F1026 Linear Vibes (80x80cm) | 652 F1029 Lion Barn (100x156cm) | 653 F1026 Pecan Brown (100x110cm) | 654 F1026 Contour Brown (200x110cm) | 655 F1006 Oyster Lace (133.3x157cm) | 674A F1006 Crown Gold (133x192cm) | 674B F1004 Lathania Red (133x192cm) | 675A F1004 Radisson Beige (100x75cm) | 678 F1004 Classic Red (100x139cm) | 680A F1026 Fendi Brown (100x100cm) | 680A F1029 Flexi Beige (100x100cm) | 682C F1085 Forest Beige (200x100cm) | 688B F1004 Versace Red (66x125cm) | 715 F1039 Scarlet Red (133x45cm) | 767 F1004 Lunar Red (100x136cm) | 767 F1160 Lunar Blue (100x136cm) | 770 F1006 Oberon Red (100x55cm) | 770 F1039 Oberon Blue (100x55cm) | 771 F1023 Belfort Blue (100x82cm) | 772 F1004 Autumn Brown (100x100cm) | 772 F1085 Autumn Beige (100x100cm) | 782 F1722 Midnight Blue (100x100cm) | 783 F1160 Indigo Blue (80x80cm) | 784 F1799 Pacific Blue (80x109cm) | 836-F2294 Coyote Brown (1×1.835m) | 843-F1002 Carmine Red (1×0.91m) | 843-F1026 Pullman Brown (1×0.91m) | 843-F1160 Zaffre blue (1×0.91m) | 844-F1799 Carnelian spark (1×0.91m)
Residential @ Adam Park, Singapore (654-F1026)
Red Star Restaurant @ Chin Swee Road, Singapore (843-F1002)
York Hotel @ Singapore (770-F1039 Oberon Blue, 843-F1160 Zaffre blue)
Restaurant @ Ann Siang Road, Singapore.(767-F1160LunarBlue)
Rejoice Ballroom (Hotel Re!), Singapore (643-F1101-SirenLux)
Ang Mo Kio Shop, Singapore (680A)
Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple, Singapore (674A-F1006-Crown Gold)
VVIP Velana International Airport, Maldives (674B F1004 Lathania Red)
Indoor Stadium, Singapore Project (680A F1029 Flexi Beige)
Sindu House, Singapore (396 F1004 Glamour Red)
Tanjong Pagar Office, Singapore (564 F1085 Nature Brown)
Pearl River Hotel, Singapore (653 F1026 Pecan Brown)
Hotel Re Project (643 F1101 SirenLux)
Widus Hotel, Philippines (394 F1101 GoldenEarth, 680A F1029 Flexi Beige)
Bowling Alley Civil Service Club, Singapore (715 F1039 Scarlet Red)
Tower Club, Singapore (643 F1101 SirenLux)
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